I am Sarah, a Reiki Teacher/Master, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Wife, Mother, Lover of Water and Nature. I am humbled to be honored with holding space for you and potentially your partner as you navigate life's waters. I wholeheartedly support being a loving guide as you learn new skills and adjust to a perspective that honors your path. I look forward to discussing how I may join you along life's journey.
Warmly, Sarah
I have always been passionate about Love and interested in relationships, between myself and others (animals, nature and humans) I grew up in Montana and Idaho. I was raised by a single mother and my dad and step mom gifted me 3 younger siblings. Being raised as an only child with little siblings was a lesson. I graduated high school in Idaho Falls had to get back to Montana where I was proud to be born. Life’s journey led me to Bozeman where I had family and while working construction I was also volunteering at Eagle Mount Therapeutic Recreation, which led to me quitting my job in construction and enrolling in school for social work. I also met a healer who I started taking muscle testing classes from and attuned me to Reiki. I had to transfer to Missoula to finish my bachelors, which flowed into a relationship breakup that fueled me to journey across the country to get my Masters in Social Work from Boston University.
After graduating with my masters, feeling good enough about life in the city, an evening sunset sail in Boston Harbor on the Schooner Roseway shifted my life path to sail to St. Croix for a winter in 2012. I missed the mountains and while sitting with my feet in the teal waters of the Caribbean I interviewed for a therapist position at Lemhi Valley Social Services because I wanted to come back to the Salmon River after a memorable multiday rafting trip as a student at University of Montana and closer to family.
Moving to Salmon Idaho in 2013, some friends and I went to the Lochsa Rendezvous’ - a fun whitewater weekend and I ran into an old friend who would eventually become my husband.
I had no idea what marriage was supposed to look like or feel like when I got married. Since I was raised by a single mother and my husband’s parents divorced when he was young, neither of us had the opportunity to witness what a healthy, functioning marriage looked like when we made the commitment.
In 2020 - while pregnant with our second child, my husband and I were struggling – being new parents and business owners, the work life stress was too much pressure. We didn’t feel like the other was supportive and we both desired a more joyful and emotionally intimate relationship.
I found a therapist trained in the Gottman method. As a therapist, I knew we needed help from a neutral third party and we completed a marathon couples’ weekend. I learned so much in those 2.5 days… the most impactful thing my husband left with was a better feeling that I was on his team and I felt heard in a way I never had before. Our family has been through a lot of challenges since and the way Devin and I navigate those rapids is so much effective.
That weekend was a huge motivator for me to learn more about the Gottman Method, I am now trained to level 3, and offering intensives here is Salmon, Idaho. The benefit of the long weekend is to help you and your partner nourish your connections, while also unpacking the past baggage that trips us up when we don’t feel connected.
My approach has been heavily influenced by the Gottman Method, Esther Perel, Brené Brown, and many others as well as life's journey. In the fall of 2023 I was reminded about Reiki and in the past year, became a Reiki Teacher and have increased my offerings with Reiki services and now sound journeys.
A bit about my perspective and approach to supporting people to become the most authentic version of themselves and nourish healthy relationships.
Through my opportunities working with the couples who have trusted me thus far, I have observed the following essential traits present in healthy relationships:
· Healthy boundaries with each other and family
· Individual interests as well as shared interests and future goals
· Friendship
· Ability to initiate and participate in challenging conversations
· Fair Fighting with the ability to repair
· Willingness to navigate big rapids as a team, forming and maintaining trust in themselves and their partner.
· They can see the beauty in their partners annoying traits, play, nourish joy and laugh!
If you’re interested in a session with me - couples support, reiki or sound journeys or a blend - reach out.
Thank you for the opportunity to get to know you, share, grow and connect.
~ Sarah
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